Mahivar Inc., Management Services is a full service Human Resources service provider offers professional services to individuals and organizations. Mahivar Inc., Management Services has been providing various services to Corporate, Academic Institutions and Individuals, from Training, Development, Executive Search & Recruitment, HR, Finance & Strategy Consulting to offer greater benefit to Clients. Their services to individuals and organizations help them lead a successful professional and personal life. Mahivar Inc., core services offered to the corporates are, Executive Search and Recruitment, Training, Development and Consulting. Mahivar Inc., is a trusted partner for individual career seekers with services such as job search, and career developing.We work on IT & ITES and other verticals and domains. Our entire staffing/recruitment specialist are experienced in specific domains. We provide in house training to the person joins the organization.
1. Job portals
2. References
3. Head Hunting
4. Personal Network
Apart from Job Portals, our database size is upto 4 to 5 Lakhs of profiles with different technologies Like Networking, Microsoft Technologies, ETL, ERP (Oracle Apps, People soft, BAAN, and SAP), Java-J2EE, QA and Testing.
We have got a team size of 12 (Domestic) recruiters who are looking after IT AND Non IT Recruitments. They are well trained and professional. We keep them updated with the new technologies like..
ERP Microsoft Technologies
Java-J2EE, QA, Testing
C, C++, Linux, UNIX and having good hand on all Non IT Requirements.